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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

ALERT ATTENTION: System maintenance will be performed the weekend of Saturday, March 28, 2009. This event will begin at 6:00 am on March 28 and will conclude at approximately 12:00 noon on Sunday March 29 (all times EDT). Some Scitation services may be affected during this period.

Table of Contents
Volume 30, Issue 6, pp. 1175-1400

Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.

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Bounds on Resonances for the Laplacian on Perturbations of Half-Space

Julian Edward and David Pravica

pp. 1175-1184

On a Conjecture Relative to the Maxima of Harmonic Functions on Convex Domains

Lucio R. Berrone

pp. 1185-1207

First-Order Corrector for the Homogenization of the Criticality Eigenvalue Problem in the Even Parity Formulation of the Neutron Transport

Guillaume Bal

pp. 1208-1240

On the Two-Dimensional Gierer--Meinhardt System with Strong Coupling

Juncheng Wei and Matthias Winter

pp. 1241-1263

Existence of the Global Classical Solution for a Two-Phase Stefan Problem

M. A. Borodin

pp. 1264-1281

A Mathematical Study of the Relaxed Optical Flow Problem in the Space $BV (\Omega)$

G. Aubert and P. Kornprobst

pp. 1282-1308

Representation of Weak Limits and Definition of Nonconservative Products

Philippe G. LeFloch and Athanasios E. Tzavaras

pp. 1309-1342

Robustness of Instability for the Two-dimensional Euler Equations

Susan Friedlander, Walter Strauss, and Misha Vishik

pp. 1343-1354

$\cal A$-Quasiconvexity, Lower Semicontinuity, and Young Measures

Irene Fonseca and Stefan Müller

pp. 1355-1390

Asymmetric Modes in Symmetric Nonlinear Optical Waveguides

David Arcoya, Silvia Cingolani, and José L. Gámez

pp. 1391-1400